Caleta. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 23°c / 73°f on Thu 17. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Thu 01. Most precipitation falling will be 4.90 mm / 0.19 inch on Mon 28. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 49 kmph / 30 mph on Sat 19.
Tindaya Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Thu 17. Min temperature will be 17°c / 63°f on Mon 21. Most precipitation falling will be 0.60 mm / 0.02 inch on Sun 27. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 48 kmph / 30 mph on Sat 19
El Cotillo Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Thu 17. Min temperature will be 18°c / 64°f on Thu 17. Most precipitation falling will be 1.90 mm / 0.07 inch on Thu 01. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 49 kmph / 30 mph on Sat 19.
La Oliva. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Thu 17. Min temperature will be 17°c / 63°f on Mon 21. Most precipitation falling will be 0.60 mm / 0.02 inch on Sun 27. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 48 kmph / 30 mph on Sat 19.
Pajara. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 24°c / 75°f on Thu 17. Min temperature will be 16°c / 61°f on Mon 28. Most precipitation falling will be 12.60 mm / 0.50 inch on Mon 28. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 kmph / 22 mph on Tue 29.
Puerto Del Rosario. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Thu 17. Min temperature will be 17°c / 63°f on Mon 21. Most precipitation falling will be 0.60 mm / 0.02 inch on Sun 27. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 48 kmph / 30 mph on Sat 19
Morro De Jable. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 23°c / 73°f on Thu 17. Min temperature will be 19°c / 67°f on Tue 29. Most precipitation falling will be 5.40 mm / 0.21 inch on Mon 28. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 46 kmph / 29 mph on Sat 19.
Gran Tarajal. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 25°c / 77°f on Thu 01. Min temperature will be 19°c / 66°f on Tue 29. Most precipitation falling will be 5.50 mm / 0.22 inch on Mon 28. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 46 kmph / 29 mph on Sat 19.
Betancuria. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 25°c / 77°f on Thu 01. Min temperature will be 19°c / 66°f on Tue 29. Most precipitation falling will be 5.50 mm / 0.22 inch on Mon 28. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 46 kmph / 29 mph on Sat 19.
Weather was forecast to be lively on Saturday. How did it pan out?
@villan It was and is still today very very windy circa 35/40Kph gusting 50+ Kph, forecast to moderate somewhat later today.
Normality has returned, Temperature 24c, wind 15/18Kph
Caleta. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Sun 27. Min temperature will be 16°c / 61°f on Wed 30. Most precipitation falling will be 16.00 mm / 0.63 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 45 kph / 28 mph on Fri 09.
Tindaya Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Sun 27. Min temperature will be 16°c / 61°f on Wed 30. Most precipitation falling will be 16.00 mm / 0.63 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 45 kph / 28 mph on Fri 09.
El Cotillo Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Sun 27. Min temperature will be 16°c / 60°f on Thu 01. Most precipitation falling will be 11.60 mm / 0.46 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 43 kph / 27 mph on Fri 09.
La Oliva. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Sun 27. Min temperature will be 16°c / 61°f on Wed 30. Most precipitation falling will be 16.00 mm / 0.63 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 45 kph / 28 mph on Fri 09.
Pajara. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 24°c / 76°f on Sun 27. Min temperature will be 15°c / 59°f on Tue 06. Most precipitation falling will be 11.00 mm / 0.43 inch on Tue 06. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 34 kph / 21 mph on Sat 10.
Puerto Del Rosario. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Sun 27. Min temperature will be 16°c / 61°f on Wed 30. Most precipitation falling will be 16.00 mm / 0.63 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 45 kph / 28 mph on Fri 09.
Morro De Jable. . weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 71°f on Sun 27. Min temperature will be 17°c / 63°f on Thu 08. Most precipitation falling will be 16.10 mm / 0.63 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 49 kph / 30 mph on Fri 09.
Gran Tarajal. weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 25°c / 77°f on Sat 26. Min temperature will be 18°c / 64°f on Sun 04. Most precipitation falling will be 4.20 mm / 0.17 inch on Sat 03. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 31 kph / 19 mph on Tue 29.
Betancuria. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 25°c / 77°f on Sat 26. Min temperature will be 18°c / 64°f on Sun 04. Most precipitation falling will be 4.20 mm / 0.17 inch on Sat 03. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 31 kph / 19 mph on Tue 29.
Caleta. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Wed 14. Min temperature will be 16°c / 60°f on Tue 20. Most precipitation falling will be 8.40 mm / 0.33 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 38 kph / 23 mph on Sun 18.
Tindaya Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Wed 14. Min temperature will be 16°c / 60°f on Tue 20. Most precipitation falling will be 8.40 mm / 0.33 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 38 kph / 23 mph on Sun 18.
El Cotillo Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Wed 07. Min temperature will be 16°c / 61°f on Tue 20. Most precipitation falling will be 2.80 mm / 0.11 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 43 kph / 27 mph on Tue 20
La Oliva. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Wed 14. Min temperature will be 16°c / 60°f on Tue 20. Most precipitation falling will be 8.40 mm / 0.33 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 38 kph / 23 mph on Sun 18.
Pajara. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 24°c / 75°f on Tue 20. Min temperature will be 17°c / 63°f on Mon 19. Most precipitation falling will be 4.90 mm / 0.19 inch on Wed 07. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 30 kph / 18 mph on Sun 18.
Puerto Del Rosario. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Wed 14. Min temperature will be 16°c / 60°f on Tue 20. Most precipitation falling will be 8.40 mm / 0.33 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 38 kph / 23 mph on Sun 18.
Morro De Jable. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 71°f on Mon 12. Min temperature will be 19°c / 65°f on Tue 20. Most precipitation falling will be 11.70 mm / 0.46 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 36 kph / 23 mph on Wed 07.
Gran Tarajal. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 25°c / 76°f on Tue 13. Min temperature will be 18°c / 64°f on Mon 19. Most precipitation falling will be 11.20 mm / 0.44 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 36 kph / 22 mph on Tue 20.
Betancuria. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 25°c / 76°f on Tue 13. Min temperature will be 18°c / 64°f on Mon 19. Most precipitation falling will be 11.20 mm / 0.44 inch on Thu 08. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 36 kph / 22 mph on Tue 20.
Rain is gone at 7am, sun is back now. No wind and temp of 21°C since 9am.
Caleta. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Sat 31. Min temperature will be 15°c / I9°f on Mon 26. Most precipitation falling will be 2.90 mm / 0.11 inch on Fri 30. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 30 km
ph / 19 mph on Sun 25.
Tindaya Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Sat 31. Min temperature will be 15°c / 19°f on Mon 26. Most precipitation falling will be 2.90 mm / 0.11 inch on Fri 30. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 30 km
kph / 19 mph on Sun 25
El Cotillo Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 69°f on Sat 24. Min temperature will be 16°c / 20°f on Tue 20. Most precipitation falling will be 3.60 mm / 0.14 inch on Thu 29. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 31 kph / 19 mph on Sun 25.
La Oliva. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Sat 31. Min temperature will be 15°c / 19°f on Mon 26. Most precipitation falling will be 2.90 mm / 0.11 inch on Fri 30. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 30 kph /19 mph on Sun 25.
Pajara. The weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 24°c / 74°f on Tue 20. Min temperature will be 16°c / 61°f on Mon 26. Most precipitation falling will be 4.50 mm / 0.18 inch on Thu 29. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 23 kph / 15 mph on Sun 25.
Puerto Del Rosario. The weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Sat 31. Min temperature will be 15°c / 59°f on Mon 26. Most precipitation falling will be 2.90 mm / 0.11 inch on Fri 30. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 30 kph / 19 mph on Sun 25.
Morro De Jable. . Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Tue 20. Min temperature will be 18°c / 65°f on Tue 27. Most precipitation falling will be 2.90 mm / 0.11 inch on Fri 30. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 31 kph / 19 mph on Wed 21
Gran Tarajal. The weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 25°c / 76°f on Thu 22. Min temperature will be 18°c / 64°f on Tue 27. Most precipitation falling will be 2.80 mm / 0.11 inch on Fri 30. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 31 kph / 19 mph on Sun 25.
Betancuria. The weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 25°c / 76°f on Thu 22. Min temperature will be 18°c / 64°f on Tue 27. Most precipitation falling will be 2.80 mm / 0.11 inch on Fri 30. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 31 kph / 19 mph on Sun 25.
Caleta. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 69°f on Fri 30. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Mon 02. Most precipitation falling will be 1.30 mm / 0.05 inch on Thu 12. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 kph / 22 mph on Tue 10.
Tindaya Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 69°f on Fri 30. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Mon 02. Most precipitation falling will be 1.30 mm / 0.05 inch on Thu 12. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 mph / 22 mph on Tue 10.
El Cotillo Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 69°f on Fri 30. Min temperature will be 15°c / 59°f on Tue 03. Most precipitation falling will be 1.00 mm / 0.04 inch on Tue 10. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Tue 10.
La Oliva. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 69°f on Fri 30. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Mon 02. Most precipitation falling will be 1.30 mm / 0.05 inch on Thu 12. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 kph / 22 mph on Tue 10.
Pajara. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 22°c / 72°f on Fri 30. Min temperature will be 15°c / 60°f on Sun 08. Most precipitation falling will be 10.20 mm / 0.40 inch on Tue 10. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 kph / 22 mph on Tue 10 .
Puerto Del Rosario. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 69°f on Fri 30. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Mon 02. Most precipitation falling will be 1.30 mm / 0.05 inch on Thu 12. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 kph / 22 mph on Tue 10.
Morro De Jable. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 20°c / 69°f on Sat 31. Min temperature will be 17°c / 63°f on Sat 07. Most precipitation falling will be 0.70 mm / 0.03 inch on Thu 12. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 36 kph / 22 mph on Tue 10.
Gran Tarajal. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 24°c / 75°f on Mon 02. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Sun 08. Most precipitation falling will be 1.20 mm / 0.05 inch on Thu 12. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 kph / 22 mph on Tue 10.
Betancuria. Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 24°c / 75°f on Mon 02. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Sun 08. Most precipitation falling will be 1.20 mm / 0.05 inch on Thu 12. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 kmph / 22 mph on Tue 10.
Caleta. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 23°c / 73°f on Sat 14. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Tue 17. Most precipitation falling will be 3.10 mm / 0.12 inch on Fri 13. The windiest day is expected to see winds up to 51 kph / 32 mph on Tue 17.
Betancuria. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 23°c / 73°f on Sat 14. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Tue 17. Most precipitation falling will be 3.10 mm / 0.12 inch on Fri 13. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 51 kph / 32 mph on Tue 17.
Caleta. The Weather forecast for the next 15 days will have a maximum temperature of 19°c / 66°f on Sat 21. Min temperature will be 15°c / 59°f on Fri 20. Most precipitation falling will be 1.00 mm / 0.04 inch on Fri 03. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 46 kph / 29 mph on Fri 03.
Betancuria. The Weather forecast for the next 15 days will have a maximum temperature of 22°c / 71°f on Fri 20. Min temperature will be 16°c / 60°f on Mon 30. Most precipitation falling will be 1.10 mm / 0.04 inch on Mon 23. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 46 kph / 28 mph on Fri 03.
Caleta. The forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 19°c / 66°f on Tue 28. Min temperature will be 11°c / 52°f on Wed 15. Most precipitation falling will be 1.60 mm / 0.06 inch on Fri 24. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Wed 15.
Tindaya Weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 19°c / 66°f on Tue 28. Min temperature will be 11°c / 52°f on Wed 15. Most precipitation falling will be 1.60 mm / 0.06 inch on Fri 24. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Wed 15.
El Cotillo Weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 19°c / 65°f on Tue 28. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Thu 16. Most precipitation falling will be 2.40 mm / 0.09 inch on Fri 24. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 36 kph / 23 mph on Wed 15.
La Oliva. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 19°c / 66°f on Tue 28. Min temperature will be 11°c / 52°f on Wed 15. Most precipitation falling will be 1.60 mm / 0.06 inch on Fri 24. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Wed 15.
Pajara. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 19°c / 66°f on Sun 19. Min temperature will be 12°c / 54°f on Thu 16. Most precipitation falling will be 3.60 mm / 0.14 inch on Thu 16. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 24 kph / 15 mph on Wed 15.
Puerto Del Rosario. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 19°c / 66°f on Tue 28. Min temperature will be 11°c / 52°f on Wed 15. Most precipitation falling will be 1.60 mm / 0.06 inch on Fri 24. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Wed 15.
Morro De Jable. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 18°c / 65°f on Wed 01. Min temperature will be 15°c / 58°f on Fri 17. Most precipitation falling will be 3.00 mm / 0.12 inch on Fri 24. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 45 kph / 28 mph on Wed 15.
Gran Tarajal. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 1°c / 70°f on Sun 19. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Thu 16. Most precipitation falling will be 3.00 mm / 0.12 inch on Fri 24. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 44 kph / 27 mph on Wed 15.
Betancuria. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Sun 19. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Thu 16. Most precipitation falling will be 3.00 mm / 0.12 inch on Fri 24. The windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 44 kph / 27 mph on Wed 15.
Caleta. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 19°c / 66°f on Fri 03. Min temperature will be 14°c / 57°f on Sun 05. The windiest day is expected to see the wind of up to 33 kph / 21 mph on Wed 15
Betancuria. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 23°c / 74°f on Wed 15. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Thu 02. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 31 kph / 19 mph on Thu 09
Caleta. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 22°c / 71°f on Sun 12. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Sat 18. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Sun 19.
TindayaThe Weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 22°c / 71°f on Sun 12. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Sat 18. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Sun 19.
El Cotillo . The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 69°f on Sun 12. Min temperature will be 15°c / 58°f on Tue 14. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 40 kph / 25 mph on Sun 19.
La Oliva. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 22°c / 71°f on Sun 12. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Sat 18. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Sun 19.
Pajara. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 23°c / 73°f on Mon 13. Min temperature will be 15°c / 58°f on Thu 23. Most precipitation falling will be 0.60 mm / 0.02 inch on Wed 22. The windiest day is expected to see the wind of up to 31 kph / 19 mph on Tue 14.
Puerto Del Rosario. Weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 22°c / 71°f on Sun 12. Min temperature will be 14°c / 58°f on Sat 18. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Sun 19.
Morro De Jable. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Sun 12. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Sun 26. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 37 kph / 23 mph on Sun 19.
Gran Tarajal. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 24°c / 74°f on Sun 12. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Sun 26. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 36 kph / 22 mph on Sun 19.
Betancuria. The weather forecast for the next 10 days will have a maximum temperature of 24°c / 74°f on Sun 12. Min temperature will be 17°c / 62°f on Sun 26. The windiest day is expected to see a wind of up to 36 kph / 22 mph on Sun 19.