Cultural & Social Facilities in Caleta de Fuste


There are no schools or nurseries in Caleta, so the primary school children from the age of 3 – 12 can either go to school in Antigua, Triquivijate or in El Matorral. Free school transport is provided. Children from the age of 12 – 16 can attend school in Antigua or Puerto del Rosario.

In November 2021 construction of a primary school began in Caleta de Fuste, and it’s due to open in 2023. It is on land between the two golf courses. It will have 18 classrooms, 3 buildings and a capacity of 450 pupils between the ages of 3 – 12.

Religious Services

There isn’t a church in the resort, but a Holy Mass is celebrated every Sunday at 10am in the Barcelo Auditorium, in the harbour area, with the Parroquia de Santa Maria de Antigua. The Modern Christian Mission hold a service in English every Sunday at 11am in the meeting at the San Jorge Hotel. Caleta New Church (English Denominational) have a service at the Cultural Center every Sunday at 10.30am.

Tourist Information Office

The Tourist Information Office is on the street Juan Ramon Soto Morales, at the Plaza , opposite the Step Inn. It’s open Monday to Saturday 08.30 – 14.30. There is also a tourist information point in the Plaza, in front of the Barcelo Hotel. The opening times are:Mon to Fri 08.30-13.00 and 17.00-20.00. Sat 09.30-12.00. Sun – closed.

Local Council

Caleta de Fuste is in the Municipality of Antigua (Ayuntamiento de Antigua). The main council office is in the town of Antigua, but there is an office in the same building as the Tourism Office, where it is possible to deal with local paperwork.

Cultural Center

The Cultural Centre,near the Castillo roundabout, is a meeting place for local organised groups and activities. Next door to it is the Neighbourhood Association´s room, which is used for various classes and functions.

Post Office

The Post Office (Correos) is in the Amuley Mar Plaza, opposite the Elba San Jorge Hotel, near the seafront. The opening times are:

Monday to Friday 0830-1430

Medical Services

There is no public medical centre in the resort but here are several private clinics. The nearest public ones are in nearby Antigua and Puerto del Rosario. The Fuerteventura General Hospital is on the southern outskirts of Puerto del Rosario (10 km away) and has an Emergency (Urgencias) Department.

For all emergencies you should call 112, which has a multilingual answering service.

There are two chemist shops in Caleta de Fuste, in the El Castillo Commercial Center in the centre of the resort, and the other  in the Castillo Plaza.

Time Zone

The time in Fuerteventura is always the same as in the UK, so clocks go back and forward one hour at the end of October and March..

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